Tip #1 What to do when your child is behaving badly and continually wants their own way.
Help your child to recognise that their bad behaviour is not acceptable. You need to follow through with your decisions and help the child to apologise for misbehaving.
Tip #2 Training your child to respect others
Teach your child to know that you are in charge and that they need to have respect. Children need to learn to share with others and it is always good to reinforce good behaviour with praise when they show respect.
Tip #3 How to avoid tantrums
Always make your expectations clear. If the child is in the habit of throwing a tantrum when it is time to leave, give adequate warning at the beginning, then half-way through the session and again when it is time to go. Reassure them that they will come back again and always follow through.
Tip #4 How to encourage your child to take responsibility for themselves.
Always make clear what is required of the child and praise your child when the required task is completed.
Tip #5 Training a child to be compliant
Sometimes a child will misbehave on purpose, to get your attention and to get you to give in on your demands. This is when it is it is helpful to actively ignore the child until they comply. Eventually they will learn that obedience is in their best interests.
Listen to the advice of the “Supernanny” in this video…